Saturday, February 28, 2015

Light based technologies changing the world

The modern today world is getting up and increasing at a very high speed somewhat similar to the speed of light. We might experience a large growth in all the fields where ever we see this has changed the way in which we see the world. The adoptation of light for transfer of information at a very high speed, may be similar to that of light has changed the world and information processing.
Industries based on light are major economic drivers, and the many applications of light-based technologies have revolutionized and impacted society through medicine, communications, entertainment and culture.
Light-based technologies directly respond to the needs of humankind by providing access to information, promoting sustainable development, and increasing well-being and standard of living -- perfect examples include the inexpensive solar-powered solid-state lighting that has replaced toxic kerosene for indoor use in some developing regions, remote sensing from space that tracks crop health, major storms, and underground water sources, and non-invasive screening of infants for life-threatening breathing or digestive conditions.
With the help of light based technologies we can  take rapid decisions and can perform actions as well. It has resulted providing effective benefits in all the fields such as  education, business, technology, medical, entertainment, culture etc.

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